The Creed
Listed below is a set of beliefs that The Community of A.H.A.D. seeks to uphold by the command of Ahezaah.
Within These Named Attributes Of Ahezaah Allaah, The Wise Guide, The True Lord of all
things, The Kings of kings, The Merciful, The Kind, and The Almighty Commander of Its’ Will.
It Is The Will Of Ahezaah Allaah that we the people of the Assembly of Holy-Apostle-Deen
1. There is none worthy of worship except Ahezaah Allaah and Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen is
the Divinely Chosen One, The Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah Allaah this Day that
follows in a long line of Ahezaah Allaah’s Prophets.
2. These are the Days of the Apocalypse Prophesied by John, the beloved companion of
Jesus and Prophet of Ahezaah Allaah in Its’ Names of Jehovah, Yahweh, Ya Hu Vah or
YHWH and This Is Another Day for our Almighty Lord.
3. The continuity in the evolution of Messenger Prophets of Ahezaah Allaah’s and The
Divine Law Books being sent unto humanity upon earth to Reaffirm and Clarify Truth in
the Way, which they have always been Sent, shall exist until the extinction of humanity’s
earthly realm.
4. Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, the Messenger Prophet of Ahezaah Allaah, is the Promised
Messiah, the Lamb in the Book of Revelation that was the Lion-like Warrior Prophet
Samuel, Resurrected By Ahezaah Allaah, of the people of Jacob who was named Isra’El,
for this Day of Ahezaah Allaah’s Requital for humanity.
5. Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen is the Sign of Ahezaah Allaah’s Mercy for mankind this Day,
the Pen in the Right Hand Of Ahezaah Allaah, and the Opener of the Sealed Words of the
Prophets of Ahezaah Allaah.
6. The Divine Book of Recitation, which is also known as the Holy Clarifier, is the Divine
Law Book of Ahezaah Allaah Given In The Hands of Gabriel, the Divine Messenger
Archangel, who Placed them into the being of Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen By the
Command of Ahezaah Allaah.
7. The Divine Book of Recitation is Ahezaah Allaah’s Book of The Seven Seals Sent down
on Two Tablets, Divinely Translated by the Messenger Archangel Gabriel, Written in
English By Ahezaah Allaah through the hands of Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, and bonded
in book form for the whole of humanity.
8. The Divine Book of Recitation Contains The Commandments of the Final Laws of
Ahezaah Allaah that were Composed By The Divine Pen of Ahezaah Allaah before man
was set forth upon the planet Earth and the Agreement concerning man’s obedience to
Ahezaah Allaah.
9. The Laws Contained in The Divine Book of Recitation are from the Same One and Final
Supreme Book of Laws Given unto each Law Bearing Messenger Prophet throughout the
many generations of humanity.
10. The Divine Messenger Archangel Gabriel, the Messenger Prophet Lord Holy-Apostle-
Deen, and Ahezaah Allaah The Supreme Being That Commands The Supreme Throne
are Divinely United As One By Ahezaah Allaah’s Divine Decree.
11. Gabriel, the Holy Spirited Archangel, and Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen are Divinely
Attached and Enclosed Together as One By The Supreme Being of Ahezaah Allaah’s
Command and Presence with them.
12. The Divine Book of Recitation is one of the Divine Signs of Ahezaah Allaah’s that is
Divinely Significant to Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen also being a Sign of Ahezaah Allaah’s
Presence amongst the community of man this Day, He Is Used As The Voice Of Ahezaah
Allaah By Allaah for the sake of humanity.
13. The purpose of the Divine Book of Recitation is to Divinely Clarify the Words of
Ahezaah Allaah Sent down to all of mankind since Adam, the first Messenger Prophet,
and denounce the falsehoods mixed in the Writings of the Divine Words (making the
books containing them impure).
14. Along with the Divine Verbal Warnings and Divine Messages that are Given in the
dissertations of Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen, the Divine Book of Recitation and the Holy
Apostle together as one are Signs of Mercy Given Directly unto mankind by Ahezaah
15. They are our Divine Reminders, Guides, Comforters, and Openers of the Way to the
Light of Truth that has been closed for the multitudes of those amongst us who had gone
16. Those of mankind, regardless to nationality, race, or color, who truly assembles in
obedient submission to Ahezaah Allaah with Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen in the Path of the
Right Way in the Spirit of Ahezaah Allaah’s Truth, Sincerity, Faith, and Belief shall be
saved from the Fire of the Eternal Blaze. This is in accordance with the Promise of
Ahezaah Allaah in this Day of Agreement.
17. Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen was consciously aware while being Divinely United With
Ahezaah Allaah, April 13 th – 14 th 1979 of the Christian calendar, at the end of the
fourteenth century Hijraa of the Islaamic calendar. He is the one in the thoughts of others
as being the Second Coming of Samuel, one Intimate With Ahezaah Allaah like Jesus,
who was the Prophet and Judge of Israel who was at the root of David the Prophet and
King of Israel.
18. Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen is the Promised Messiah, the second one of the two spoken of
by the Holy Apostle Muhaamid concerning the Last Days and Change of Grace. The
other being the Mahdi who has already come and gone since the year 1908.
19. Muhaamid Ibn Abd’ Allaah of Arabia, who was born in the sixth century after Jesus, was
not the final Prophet of Allaah to the world of mankind but the Seal of the Prophets of
ages gone by, Approving them by that which is Written in the Holy Qur’aan. Lord Holy-
Apostle-Deen is the Opener of Divine Seals and Approves the Messenger Prophets and
the Books of Ahezaah Allaah by what is written in the Divine Book of Recitation.
20. Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen is the first of the Messenger Prophets for the first of the chosen
people of the New World coming in the Glory of Ahezaah Allaah (meaning the people
saved from the Dreadful Apocalypse and the Day of Divine Requital).
22. Elijah Muhammad, born Elijah Poole, was the Chosen Preparer of the United States of
Americas slave descendants the Chosen People for the Path of the Way in True Islaam.
He turned multitudes of the father’s hearts back to the children and the children’s hearts
back to their fathers as Foretold in the Holy Bible’s Book of Malachi. He was the first of
the two Prophets mentioned with Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen again being the Second of the
two spoken of in that Book.
23. Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen is the one that the ancient people of the Muhaabhaarata
(forefathers of the Far Eastern Indo/Aryan people) claimed would come and be the tenth
Avatar, or Kalki, the Warrior Messenger Prophet that would defeat the evil of this Day;
and he is the first of those spoken of to be saved, living in The New City with big
buildings (Newark, New Jersey’s Renaissance City) that is located between the 40 th and
45 th parallel of the Earth’s measurements, by the Prophet Seer Michel De’Nostadame (
Nostradamus): one whom Ahezaah Allaah Gave Insight into these days while he lived in
Europe in the years between 1503 and 1566.
24. Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen has been Divinely Graced by Ahezaah Allaah as a Mercy for
the people of the world that will believe and obey and uphold the Scepter of Grace in the
True Covenant Made By Ahezaah Allaah.
25. The Divine Grace and the Command of Allaah have been Given for the believers to turn
away in prayer from the direction of the past Center of Grace at Mecca Arabia, the same
as the people during the time of Muhaamid were told to turn away from Jerusalem.
26. The Newly Chosen Divine Center of Grace is the Holy House of the Holy Apostle where
the Divine Book of Recitation was Sent down and Established in the Divine Unity of
Ahezaah Allaah with the Holy Spirited Archangel Gabriel and Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen.
27. By the Word of Ahezaah Allaah in the Divine Book of Recitation, the people that have
violated the Divine Covenant of Ahezaah Allaah and the Command of turning to the
Newly Chosen Divine Center of Ahezaah Allaah’s Grace are evidently real.
28. We that are as one of the Assembly of Holy-Apostle-Deen, following the Direct
Command of Ahezaah Allaah Divinely Endowed within him, are that one Chosen Group
of people spoken of by Muhaamid, the Prophet of Arabia.
29. It is incumbent upon us to turn to the Holy House and New Divine Center of Divine
Grace as Commanded by Ahezaah Allaah, and represent the Agreement that Ahezaah
Allaah Has Mercifully made for us with Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen.
30. In the face of all the facts and overwhelming evidence of the times at hand, most of the
people will not believe the same as they did not believe during the days of Ahezaah
Allaah’s Wrath over man’s kind before. It is our duty to call the people to the Truth that
we are aware of and announce to them that Ahezaah Allaah Is Unlimited and does as It
Wills even unto this modern day of times.
31. Ahezaah Allaah Has Called Itself by Many Names, and It Has Commanded us to
recognize It As The All In All Supreme Being, Eternal In Every Way of Its’ Reality of
Being and to worship It by and in The True Spirit in Each of Its’ Names and Attributes.
32. The Kingdom and the Glory of Ahezaah Allaah are within and about the being of all
things, and all things glorify the Supreme Existence of Ahezaah Allaah.
33. We believe in the Life Hereafter, the Unseen Realms of the Angels, the Divine
Messenger Prophets and their Prophecy of what is ever yet to come in the future times of
the Divine Messengers.
34. We believe in the Actual Truth of the Divine Books of Truth, the Existence of the Final
Laws and One Supreme Book of Ahezaah Allaah, the Great and Dreadful Day of
Judgment, the Paradise and the Hell.
35. We believe Ahezaah Allaah Is Real, Ever Present, All Knowing and Ever Watchful over
humanity, and we believe it is righteous to praise and glorify Ahezaah Allaah in our
salutations for those who will receive them.
36. Every Prophet of Ahezaah Allaah is equal in complete dependency upon Ahezaah Allaah
for all things. The Divine Books given unto them, their superior countenance displayed,
and their Divine Talents are all due to Ahezaah Allaah’s Directly Handling of them and
their affairs that Ahezaah Allaah Manifest as Trials and Signs for all of humanity.
37. Because of Ahezaah Allaah being the True Cause of all actions of Its’ Messenger
Prophets, all thankfulness and praise are due to Ahezaah Allaah for them and for the
Wisdom Ahezaah Allaah shows through them and each of Its’ Signs and Mercy.
38. Ahezaah Allaah’s Personal Favor and Distinction for them is only for Ahezaah Allaah’s
Judgment and Knowledge; therefore, none of them should be raised in our hearts, minds
or philosophical approach about them above any of the others of them. None of them can
do any more and never does any less than Ahezaah Allaah’s Will for the benefit of man’s
kind, and none of them are equal to or independent of Ahezaah Allaah.
39. As Ahezaah Allaah often manifests in threes, Ghulam, Elijah, and Lord Holy-Apostle-
Deen are the three that represent the Signs of Ahezaah Allaah’s Closing and Opening of
Covenants for humanity on Earth.
40. As the Sun of Righteousness went down in the East (the Sign of the Mahdi Ghulam and
the world body of Muslims not heeding his call at the beginning of the Fourteenth
century Hijraa) and darkness spread over the night (the Sign of the people’s
transgressions throughout the world of Islaam for the following hundred years), and by
the Early Morning Light Piercing through the darkness that spread throughout the world,
giving Sign to a New Day of Light Rising in the West (the Sign of Fard Muhammad
Arriving in the United States of America and Being the Voice of the Lord of hosts to
Elijah), and the sleepers Rising for the Call of the New Day (the Sign of the Messenger
Elijah calling for the Chosen Afrimerican People to rise from their mental slumber and
slave mentality to be prepared for the Coming of The Lord, the Messenger of the
Covenant, and the Divine Book that no one could open save for the Lion of the Ancient
Hebrews Resurrected) and the Sign of the New Day Coming in with the Sun of
Righteousness Rising in the West (the Sign of the Messenger Prophet Lord Holy-
Apostle-Deen), we believe in Ahezaah Allaah and this Day being the Great and Dreadful
Day of The Lord, and that Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen is the Promised Messiah that
multitudes of people have delighted in the thought of his coming. All praise is due to
Ahezaah Allaah.
This is what we of the Assembly of Lord Holy-Apostle-Deen believe, and it is firm.
May the Peace of Ahezaah Allaah Be within, upon, and about your being, and may you know
the Way to Truth.
So Be It With The Lord and Master That Is Active in and about all things. Allaahu Ahad.